MCPe Word

It takes courage to open this link! If you want to MAKE IT, that's the next level of boldness to be a change agent.

70 Years of Legacy and Impact!
This is the time for the call for all passionate bold AIESECers that are brave enough to continue to contribute to this entity "AIESEC in Italy" to create leaders that will make a difference for the country!
Thank you for taking this bold step to be part of the leaders that will lead the movement that has potential to impact people's lives including yours for another 70 years.

If you are passionate bold AIESECer that takes the extra mile to stretch yourself to your limits, this call is for you!

Are you ready to MAKE IT?

Ahmed Ellithy

MCVP for AIESEC in Italy | General Job Description

  • Lead the national plenary towards the implementation of the entity plan for the term 24.25
  • Manage the developing stategies to ensure the growth of the entity for the next term
  • Represent the Entity in the National and International conferences
  • Fulfill functional Job Description duties
  • Management team has the final accountability of the sub-team they are handling
  • Management team can't take decisions for their members without including them in the thinking and decision making process
  • The final Job Description for each MC member will be published for the team by the MCP before the start of the term

MC Experience Conditions

    MC Experience Benefits

  • Salary of €150,00 per month according to MC budget 24.25
  • Food and accommodation with all facilities in Milan are fully covered (also during transition period)
  • Office Space is inside the flat; it may change based on MC budget 24.25
  • Travel for serving AIESEC in Italy will be covered based on MC budget 24.25
  • Legalization and travel expenses for International MC members will not be covered; however, all the needed documents will be provided, as well as the support needed for the legalization procedures
  • Further benefits may be agreed on according to the MC budget 24.25

  • MC Experience Duties

  • MC Experience is a full-time job. Each MC member is expected to work at least 40 hours per week.
  • Working time is Monday to Friday, weekends are free (except of conferences and other representative duties) and national holidays; Further adjustments may be made based on the needs of the term
  • The MC term officially starts from the 1st of July 2024 till the 30th of June 2025 which is a total period of 12 months
  • Each MC Member must be available for virtual or physical transition starting from 1st of April 2024
  • Physical presence in Milan is required from 20th of May 2024 for the whole team; Further changes may be made

MC Elections Process Timeline


Applicants WhatsApp Group


29th of April, 2024 GMT+2

OD Round Release

3rd of May, 2024 GMT+2

Application Deadline

You can submit your application through this link.

4th of May, 2024 GMT+2

Elections Day

You will participate in a space for Q&As. After this space, you will either take the Vote of Confidence or not! You will be updated through the process about the exact date and timing.

5th of May, 2024 GMT+2


You will be informed through mail about the exact date and time for your interview.

6th of May, 2024 GMT+2


After the interview, you will recieve functional tasks.

6th of May, 2024 GMT+2



Application Package

Read the instructions carefully of each part of the application package! In case of missing any part of the package, your application will be disqualified! Pay attention and Good Luck!


Tell us more about yourself in one PDF page max.

Blank Paper Challenge

In one page PDF propose & give an answer to the biggest question that you have for AIESEC in Italy today.

Executive Summary

One page PDF summary of your entire application.


One A4 PDF page max.

Personal Photo

It will be used in the Candidates Announcement.

Introduction Video

4 to 7 mins creative introduction video with your personal Introduction: why are you applying for MC of AIESEC in Italy and your strategy presentation. Please upload to Youtube or drive and provide the link in a PDF.

Endorsement Letters

  • Someone you led
  • Someone who led you
  • A team mate
  • External (No AIESEC affiliation)
The letters must have signature, email and WhatsApp number for contact and to be submitted in PDF format. MC Sonic WILL NOT ENDORSE MC APPLICANTS. Endorsements should be 1 PDF Page maximum.

Application questionnaire

  • All questions must be answered in the same PDF.
  • Minimum font size is 10
  • You have maximum 12 pages. Cover page isn't included.
  • The 2 general block must be fully answered (Me as a Leader & Me as an AIESECer) and and OD block


Structure a proposal that reflects your vision as MC candidate for the 24.25 term, for the main role you are applying for. It should be submitted in PDF format.

Application Questionnaire


MC Team is the team that is responsible for ensuring leadership development within the entity! So we would like to understand you more as a leader.

1. Who are you? What are your key values and how do they shape who you are? What are your main 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses that shapes you as a person?
2. What you aspire to become through AIESEC in Italy as part of MC 24.25? What can AIESEC in Italy become through you?
3. What is your leadershipt style? What makes you a great leader and how this will affect AIESEC in Italy in the next year?
4. As a Leader, How do you cultivate a growth mindset within your team?
5. Please mention your previous AIESEC Experiences and Mention 3 achievements, and 3 failures from your AIESEC journey.

Understanding AIESEC and more specifically AIESEC in Italy are needed. We would like to see you as an AIESECer!

1. Evaluate AIESEC in Italy national strategies and through the last 5 generations (19.20, 20.21, 21.22, 22.23, 23.24). What are your conclusions out of each year?
2. What have we learnt as an organisation from AIESEC's A2015, A2020 and 2025 mid-term directions? What do you think are the keys to success going into the last year of A2025?
3. Study the growth or the declination of exchanges of AIESEC in Italy since 11.12 term till now? provide the reasons, external or internal for growth or decline (in one sentence for each year).
4. Create a roadmap for AIESEC in Italy for the term 24.25 of how to make AIESEC in Italy more relevant for our EPs, Partners, Members. Including (Strategies, Projects, MoS, KPIs)

If you are interested in contributing to the long term strategy for AIESEC in Italy, ensuring that all of our LCs/Expansions are growing sustainably, and driving the national network for the 24.25 Direction, So this Block is for YOU!

1. Do an analysis of the OD model of at least the last two years and tell your main three conclusions and three action steps to take for the next term.
2. Assess the current state of all AIESEC in Italy expansions, and provide a plan to have all expansions jump in six months.
3. Assess the expansion model of the entity (Expansions Guidelines, Membership Criteria), Provide a plan on how to make sure all LCs of AIESEC in Italy have full membership state within one year.
4. Create a detailed timeline to make AIESEC in Italy one of the top growing entities of the term 24.25. Including (but not limited to): National and Local conferences Cycle, LCs and Functional Visits, LCEBs Election Process and Transition with defining also the target audience and objectives.
5. Evaluate the current network management (Coaching System, ESTs, Network Heads), how would you move foreward for the next term mentioning at least 2 scenarios of the coaching system for the term 24.25?

Application Submission Guidelines

Send one “.zip or .rar” file named as “MCVP_Name_Surname” with all the documents in it.
Make sure you create separated files for all documents.
The application must be written all in English.
You will receive a confirmation within 72 hours validating your application.
If the application does not fulfill all requirements, the candidate may be rejected from any part of the process and be recommeneded to apply again.
You can submit your application through the link below!

Get in touch, if you need any inquiries or help!